Taylor Strickland 71
Taylor Strickland
for Brian Kearney
Skip the birdshit & black glowering sky,
klaxon horn & the brine
for clean landing pages—islands cherrypicked
by your own double-click,
a rainbow pinwheel spinning.
machine code, all apps open, peregrinatio 2.0
your shrineless arrival
your sojourn never begun
feather-clipped by search results
Tha Taylor Strickland na mhion-sgrùdaire a' fuireach ann an Denver, Colorado, còmhla ri a bhean, Lauren, agus an cù aca, Lola. Dh'fhuirich e ann an Alba airson ceithir bliadhna, agus fuirichidh e ann a-rithist.
Taylor is an analyst living in Denver, Colorado, with his wife, Lauren, and their dog, Lola. He lived in Scotland for four years, and he will live there again.