Riley 70

Sue Riley


The hummingbirds are here – perfect breathing jewels
at the sugar feeders and honeysuckle
in jazzy purple turquoise and rose

And she is waiting with a net –
they hover and sip She swoops swishes
at the feathered gems their futile fluttering

Honey-embalmed wings folded
in silk shrouds tied with ribbons
blossoms tucked in. Their eyes are closed

She has prepared caskets
layered with cotton cushions
For each a charm hand-written in a flowing script:

Keep me close,
I’ll bring you luck, I’ll bring you love,
mi corazon mas querido

She checks the sales sheet, names and addresses,
and into the mail. A snip at fifty dollars each.

Sue Riley writes poetry in Barnsley and is a member of Penistone Poets writing group. She has had work published in The North, Stand, and Brittle Star.