Petra Hilgers OH Competition

Petra Hilgers

Open House Competition 2019: Highly Commended

say something back

How do you think dying thoughts
when finally the wind
between silence and echo
kisses you with promises of tomorrow?
When suddenly the rose in the front garden
freed from the hollow of winter laughs yellow?
Who thinks about shovels digging black earth
when in the park couples linger
lying on sun warmed grass not beneath?
When children clap at the sight of a swan
not twisting its neck not plucking it naked?
By the window overlooking the garden
where you buried a kit fox last summer
you’re thinking of making home
making love checking his heart beat

In response to ‘Cardiomyopathy’ by Denise Riley in ‘Say Something Back’

Originally from Germany, Petra Hilgers has lived in South Africa, Northern Uganda and for the past 15 years in the UK, mostly London. Her writing and blogging is greatly inspired by her travels and reflects her bilingual life.