Mark Jackson 72
conditional #11
swaddled amethyst fits hissy circles
flint rung balances crow hooks
cider sun
candle moon
pewter cloud
cycling on pebbles tended as water
unwept ice petrifies and drips
body at night
headdaze stuck in hearth
_____ _____
oracles obtained wands laurel spoil
cracking atoll floor
rings out gathered in
warm as daylight frozen like a gravity
vent echoes wine blood
warehouse letting seascape
cold back on rocky gallows
_____ _____
climate atmosphere temper a[per]ture
mis[ting]s cold pepper
mane foam vertebral feathered
bonesmoke laughter tangs
gulleys lines
melting breath strings pine flutes
the o-spheres raise dewy flames
_____ _____
Notes on a fieldtrip : mjb
mjb lives and works. Acoels Variations, loose manacles (Gang Press), Nostradamus, the garnama organ (Temple of Universal Surgery), Glass Nest (l.o.o.s.e. c.a.n.n.o.n.); poems in Tentacular, Erotoplasty, And, Better than Starbucks, Tiny Spoon, Vertical Images. Forthcoming: Studies in Violence for the Ear (Literary Pocket Book).