Husband 82
Vicki Husband
Vicki Husband’s first poetry book, This Far Back Everything Shimmers, published by Vagabond Voices, was shortlisted for the Saltire Scottish Poetry Book of the Year 2016. She has also published a pamphlet-long poem, ‘Sykkel Saga’. Vicki works for the NHS in community rehabilitation in Glasgow and is currently completing a second poetry collection related to health and the city to be published in 2025.
Vicki wrote the following about her poems:
The poems are derived from a list of medical prefixes and suffixes found in an anatomy text book. As a health professional working in the community I’m interested in different registers of language used in different contexts, how as health professionals we are often not mindful enough of the language we use, and the disconnect often found between a patient and the medical language used to describe them/us, acknowledging that we are all patients at some point. I worked with the meanings of each prefix and suffix, and edited them to make poems informed by these ideas.